US Intel Analyst Sellout

Hi Global Recap readers,

Did you check out President Biden’s State of the Union speech last night? I checked out both conservative and progressive media outlets to see the differences in reaction.

Here’s what I found:

  • Conservative: Matt Walsh of Daily Wire called it “the worst State of Union address that’s maybe ever given.” His fellow guests also criticized Biden’s "yelling.”

  • Progressive: Cenk Uygur of TYT liked the yelling, equating it to a show of passion and energy, which Biden’s been lacking for a while.

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US Intel Analyst Sellout

Sergeant Korbein Schultz

For over a year, a US Army soldier/intel analyst allegedly sold US military secrets to China.

  • 💼 Espionage. Sergeant Korbein Schultz is accused of selling classified documents related to:

    • US defense of Taiwan,

    • weapons systems,

    • defense systems.

  • 💰 Buyer. With top-secret security clearance, he downloaded the files and sold them to an individual supposedly living in Hong Kong.

  • 🤑 Price. How much do you think such information and a year’s worth of spying costs? For Schultz, $42,000 was enough.

  • 💰 Motive. It seems like financial gain drove him, as indicated by his message to his handler:

"I need to get my other BMW back."

National security for a BMW? This is embarrassing.


TikTok Ban Bill Advancing Quickly

In a swift legislative move, the US House targets TikTok, citing surveillance fears.

  • 🔍 Scrutiny. The legislation moved forward from the committee with a unanimous vote across party lines, 50-0. Bipartisan support is propelling a bill to potentially ban TikTok, driven by data security and national security concerns.

  • 📜 Legislation. The proposed bill demands ByteDance divest TikTok, with a 180-day ultimatum, or face a US prohibition.

  • 🗣️ Free Speech. TikTok counters, claiming the bill infringes on the First Amendment rights of millions and could devastate numerous small businesses.

Is TikTok’s clock ticking down? Sorry, but I had to get that low-hanging pun out there.


Imminent Attack Threat in Moscow

The US embassy warns of a potential attack by “extremists” targeting large gatherings, advising citizens to avoid concerts and crowds for the next 48 hours.

However, it did not provide specifics of the intel.

"The Embassy is monitoring reports that extremists have imminent plans to target large gatherings in Moscow, to include concerts, and U.S. citizens should be advised to avoid large gatherings over the next 48 hours.”

US Embassy and Consulates in Russia website

Hong Kong

New National Security Squeeze

Hong Kong’s government proposed a new stringent national security law, sparking concerns over diminishing freedoms and increasing alignment with mainland China’s legal system.

  • 🔒 Legislation. The draft “Safeguarding National Security Bill” includes life sentences for treason and insurrection, aiming to close gaps in the existing security framework.

  • 🏛️ Governance. Chief Executive John Lee urges rapid passage of the bill, which is expected to sail through a legislature filled with Beijing loyalists.

  • 🗣️ Dissent. Critics argue the law will further erode civil liberties, citing the crackdown on pro-democracy activists and the disbanding of outspoken media outlets.

If I had to guess what the CCP’s “takeover” of Taiwan would look like":

Rather than a direct military assault, the CCP might opt for a subtler approach, gradually embedding its supporters within Taiwan’s judiciary.


Gaza’s Emergency Port Plan

President Biden announced a strategic initiative to construct a temporary port in Gaza for humanitarian aid.

  • 🚢 Logistics. A temporary pier will facilitate “hundreds of additional truckloads of assistance each day,” without requiring American troops on the ground.

  • 🌐 Diplomacy. The US is pushing Israel for more land aid channels while preparing the port as an alternative to ensure aid reaches Gaza promptly.

This situation is extremely complicated.

  • The head of The United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees (UNRWA) claims that Israeli forces shot at an aid convoy.

  • The Israel Defense Forces (IDF) released footage showing Hamas militants beating up and hijacking aid trucks in the Gaza Strip - as they have for years.

Can a port really solve the humanitarian issue?